前言不對後語、文章邏輯不順一向都是香港學生的常犯錯誤。[不轉彎抹角] 最直接的解決方法是鼓勵 (或要求😡) 學生嘗試找回每句句子之間的關係。除非你天生異稟😂自行發明「新邏輯」,否則句與句的關係其實不外乎以下幾種,大家可以參考以下最常用的連接語👇🏻

此外:Also; Additionally; Furthermore; Moreover; In addition to; As well as; Not only…but also
因果:For this reason; Consequently; As a result; Thus
己見:In my opinion; As far as I'm concerned; Personally
序列:First... Second... Third... Last but not least
強調:Particularly; Notably; Especially; For example/ instance; To illustrate; In particular
參照:Considering ...; Concerning ...; Regarding ...; According to ...
相似:Similarly; Likewise; Equally; By the same token; In the same way; In a similar way
澄清:Specifically; Namely; That is (to say); In other words; (To) put (it) another way; What this means is; In fact
小結:To sum up; In conclusion; In a nutshell; To be brief
學生成功找到句與句的關係後,當然就要嘗試在自己脈絡鬆散的文章中✏️落筆加插相對應的轉折詞或短語 (Transition Words and Phrases)。千祈唔好睇少轉折詞 - 如果想英文作文句句相扣、做足起承轉合,令學校老師明白你的演譯,而非「下下跳 tone / step」,轉折語絕對是關鍵。
你可能會問😔:那如果真的找不到兩句的關係呢?恭喜你🎊,你終於找到為何他人未能理解你文章的位置!是時候文章這個位置你要狂加 elaboration / 大執!至於如何有邏輯地添加 elaboration / 如何 rewrite 文章,🔥 Ms Priscilla 英文課程 🔥 再話你知!
⭐ 中學補習課程:www.pllearning.com/course

🌟 滿分港大畢業 行內絕無僅有
🌟 中學會考 9A 狀元
🌟 理科思維 高效學英文
🌟 14 年全職補習
🌟 學生兩個月 Mock 4 升上 5**